February Stone of the Month: Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz has long been known as the stone of unconditional love. It’s a stone I often gift because I always feel the entire planet & every person on it could use a little more love these days. It’s a soft, pink color & can be almost cloudy in color or sometimes almost a little like glass. Rose Quartz in a romantic love sense can help relieve stress & drama, thus creating space for romance & love making. It’s nice to keep this stone in your bedroom on your nightstand or under your bed. It’s also a nice stone to bring someone that has been sick or as a gift to give families & loved ones at funerals. It helps to balance emotions & brings about forgiveness of others & of yourself. I like how Philip Permutt describes this crystal. He writes, “It is like a bubble bath for the emotions, easing feelings of anger, fear, guilt, grief, inadequacy, jealousy, and resentment & reducing associated stress, tension & phobias.” Rose Quartz is a healing stone for all types of abuse. You can grid Rose Quartz around your space to create a more loving & heart healing environment. It’s nice to wear Rose Quartz jewelry pieces. In fact some women have switched over from diamonds to rose quartz & morganite(another heart healing stone) for their choice of wedding rings. Seems like a perfect choice to me!  If you wish to learn more about Rose Quartz healing properties we offer a wide range of Crystal Healing books at Moon.